
Future of the 8am Sunday Mass

When the Church reopened after the pandemic, we scheduled an extra
Sunday Mass at 8am to facilitate numbers and comply with government regulations
on distance.

The present situation is that numbers at this Mass have dramatically
declined. After consultation, we have decided that we will no longer continue this
Mass and the last one will be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday 5th June.

This leaves the parish with four Sunday masses, i.e. Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am and

Returning to Mass at Pentecost

An invitation from the Bishops of England and Wales via https://www.cbcew.org.uk/spring-plenary-2022-resolution-returning-to-mass-at-pentecost/

This is the bread come down from heaven (John 6:58)

A beautiful hallmark of the Catholic faith is the profound desire to participate in the Holy Mass and share in the Eucharist. We do so with deep gratitude and joy. The Eucharist gives the Church her identity – “The Eucharist makes the Church, and the Church makes the Eucharist.” It enables us to worship Almighty God, to support each other on our journey of faith, and to be a visible sign of faith in the world. This hallmark is supported and strengthened by the precept that our fundamental Christian duty is to worship God by participating in the celebration of Mass. Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is the greatest of all privileges, sometimes referred to as “the Sunday Obligation.”

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, until the present time, we have shared with you our judgment that the situation of the last two years has meant that the Sunday Obligation has been impeded and has needed to be fulfilled in other ways. We thank God that this situation has now changed. The pressing challenges of the pandemic have lessened significantly. Most people have resumed the wide range of normal activities, no longer restricted by the previous Covid measures. We therefore believe that the reasons which have prevented Catholics from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation no longer apply.

We understand there will still be some members of our congregations who, for reasons of health, do not feel safe enough to return to Mass. It has always been the understanding of the Church that when the freedom of any Catholic to attend Mass in person is impeded for a serious reason, because of situations such as ill health, care for the sick or legitimate fear, this is not a breach of the Sunday Obligation.

Our Catholic people and parishes have benefitted during these difficult times from the online streaming of Mass and other services. “Virtual viewing” of Mass online does not fulfil the Sunday Obligation. It may, however, be a source of continual spiritual comfort to those who cannot attend Mass in person, for example those who are elderly and sick, for whom the obligation does not apply. In this context, we recognise gratefully the ministry of those who administer Holy Communion to the elderly, sick and housebound.

We are grateful to our clergy, religious and lay faithful who have served our parishes, schools and communities with dedication and distinction throughout this pandemic. Now we look forward with renewed faith and confidence.

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord Jesus entrusted to us the precious gift of Himself. With humility, we glory in being a Eucharistic people for whom attendance at Mass is essential. Looking forward to the forthcoming feast of Pentecost, we now invite all Catholics who have not yet done so to return to attending Mass in person.

As the Church needs the witness of the presence of each person, so too each believer needs to journey in faith and worship with their fellow disciples. Nourished by our encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus, fed with His Word and His Body and Blood in Holy Communion, and supported by the presence of each other, we receive strength week by week, to serve the Lord and glorify Him with our lives.

Approved by the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference
Friday 6 May 2022

Parish Table Quiz – Saturday 18th June 2022

Saturday 18th June 2022
Doors open 7.45 pm, for a prompt start at 8pm

Cost: £8 per person (bring your own drink and food)

Booking: Drop money into the Parish Office by Thursday 9th June in an envelope
clearly marked: FAO Social Committee. Include the following details:
* Your Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Number of people *

Don’t feel you have to book a whole table as we have a number of tables reserved
to seat smaller groups/individuals so that you can share the fun and pool your

If you are booking a table, the ideal size is 6 people (min of 4 and a
max of 8).

Early booking is recommended as this is always a popular night, so
to avoid disappointment, ensure you buy your tickets early. Any questions please
contact us at events@ourladyoflourdeswanstead.com

Please feel free to bring drinks, nibbles and glasses with you – We will be serving tea/coffee
and cakes in the interval, plus a chance to participate in the raffle (cash required!).

All proceeds going towards the upkeep of the Parish Centre

Three evening’s of intercessory prayer to Our Lady (updated)

We have three sessions of intercessory prayer to Our Lady on Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th May at 8.00pm. All welcome

Stations of the Cross – 8th April – cancelled

Sunday Live Steam

Sunday Mass will not be live-streamed at OLOL going forward.

Thank you to Dan Parker and the team for their hard work and dedication by providing the live stream mass for the past two year

LENT Retreat/Quiet Day

A time to stop and reflect at the Convent of the Assumption on Thursday 24th March and repeated on Saturday 26th (for those not able to come on a Thursday) at 10.30 am – 2.30 pm.

A light lunch will be provided.

LENT 2022

Daily morning Prayer: Monday to Saturday at 8.30am with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament.

Daily Mass: 9am
Stations of the Cross: Friday 7.30pm
Lent faith talks:

Tuesday 8th March at 8pm;

Tuesday 22nd March at 8pm and
Wednesday 6th April at 8pm

Meditation: Every Tuesday at 11am-12noon in Hall

40 Hours of continuous Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament starting at 5pm on

Thursday 7th April to 10am on Saturday 9th April
Morning of Recollection for Readers on Saturday 12th March at 10.30am-12.30pm
Morning of Recollection for Ministers on Saturday 2nd April at 10.30am-12.30pm

Parish Penitential Service: Monday 11th April at 8pm


These two important ministries in the Church require training from time to time.
We have arranged for two separate sessions, on two Saturday mornings, from
10.30am-12.30pm to facilitate this. Father Adrian will lead the sessions.

The date for Readers is 12th March, for Ministers 2nd April.



During Lent we will have 40 hours of continuous prayer and adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament from 5pm on Thursday 7th April to 10am on Saturday 9th April.
This is an ancient Catholic devotion providing an opportunity to pray and reflect
in silence.

The exposed Blessed Sacrament can never be left alone – at least two
people should always be present. A list for names is available in the porch.