JOURNEY OF FAITH, RCIA –This is a process by which those who wish to enquire and find out more about the Journey of the Catholic Faith may do so. It is for non-Baptised people who may wish to become Catholics or for Catholics who wish to be better informed about the Church and for adults who wish to be Confirmed. It starts in September and continues until Easter. Those who wish to do so will be baptized at the Easter Vigil and others Confirmed. There will be a preliminary meeting, “Come and See” on 5 September 8 pm in the Mark Room in the Pastoral Centre. All who are interested to “Come and See”, with no commitment at this stage, are most welcome.
The initials RCIA stand for “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults” which is the process by which adults are normally received into full communion with the Catholic Church; brought to completion by their receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Whilst it is still RCIA, for ease of explanation we are now calling this process
– About Being Catholic
The process as a whole is not governed by a timetable because people come to Christ and his Church in God’s own time and not ours. The process takes as long as it takes! The ABC group in the parish is part of this process and is there to help the person who wants to find out more about the Catholic Church; about what Catholics believe and the practise of their faith. We meet weekly usually beginning in September until about Pentecost. The group consists of a team of catechists and people enquiring about the Church. We seek to help introduce people into the life of the community by walking with them on a journey of faith.
The meetings start and finish with prayer and each week there is also input on a particular subject, followed by discussion, questions and explanation. Among the topics covered are the Creeds of the Church, the Sacraments, Mary the Mother of God, and the Bible in the life of the Catholic person.
There is no pressure on anybody to join the Catholic Church at any time: the group looks to help people on their own journey of discovery. Those people who do wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church are prepared to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil.