
Newsletter- 21st June

Latest Newsletter newsletter-21st-june.pdf

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Church Opening Times

The church will be open for private prayer this Wednesday 10am to 12pm & on Friday Evening between 7pm to 9pm.

Request for volunteers

It was announced yesterday that government has given permission for churches to be open for private prayer from next Monday 17th June.

We are looking for volunteers who can commit to a weekly time slot in the church to enable us to take this first step in reopening safely.

The role entails being a welcoming presence, reminding visitors where necessary about the use of hand sanitiser, the need for social distancing and wiping down surfaces people may have come into contact with but full guidance will be provided to all volunteers.

We will be implementing precautions to minimise risk of infection, please only volunteer if are not in the clinically vulnerable group or living with someone who is.

If you are able to help, please email the parish office at wanstead@dioceseofbrentwood.org with your contact details and a member of the parish team will be in contact with you.

Thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.

Online Donations

During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of parishioners have enquired about making online donations to support the continued running of the parish.
Contributions can now be made via a page on the Brentwood Diocesan website at https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/donations/?parish=wanstead and selecting General Offertory. The information sent via this website are secure & is covered by GDPR.

You can, if you prefer, make a payment directly into the parish bank account using online banking.

You will need to set up the OLOL Wanstead Parish as a payee on your online banking app or via internet banking.

The Parish Bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Wanstead
Sort Code: 40-13-22
Account number: 71018973

If you use this method please put your Surname and Initial as a reference and if you are part of our Gift Aid scheme, then please also add your Gift Aid number (GA).

For example: SmithJ GA 999

By entering this reference our Gift Aid Organiser will be able to make sure that your donation is increased in line with the Gift Aid regulations.

Alternatively you can deliver your offertory envelopes though the presbytery letterbox with cheques made payable to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Wanstead.

Thank you for your continued support.

Safe Guarding – Domestic Violence during COVID 19


Every person has a right to live their life free from violence, abuse, intimidation and fear. As a Catholic parish we are here to support you especially during this the Covid-19 lock down.

In the link below you will find information about how to report domestic abuse or get help. If you are in immediate danger phone 999 and ask for the police.




Safeguarding Resources during COVID 19

Some usulfel links to keep our families Safe during COVID 19

Where to report child online Safety issue during lockdown. https://parentinfo.org/article/child-online-safety-during-lockdown-where-to-report

Online Safety https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Surviving Family Life under Lockdown. https://parentinfo.org/article/surviving-family-life-under-lockdown

Where can your child get mental health support online during lockdown https://parentinfo.org/article/where-can-your-child-get-mental-health-support-online-during-lockdown

Church resources for Parents

The Diocese’s Marriage and Family Life department has put together a page of resources to support families present time:

Domestic Church resources for Parents – Covid 19