Track and Trace QR Code for our Church and Pastoral Centre

We now have a NHS Track and Trace QR codes setup for the Church and Pastoral Centre.

Please use this to check in every time you visit the church or Pastoral Centre.

The posters will be available for you to check in as you enter the church (or Pastoral Centre)

How to Check-In

  1. Open the NHS COVID-19 app
  2. Select Venue Check In
  3. Hold your phone up to the QR code on the poster & you are checked in!

Sample screenshots showing a successful checks.

The QR code is the square black & white “barcode” (QR means Quick Response). When the app registers the code, you’ll see a tick and our church’s name: Our Lady of Lourdes Wanstead

Data is held on your phone for 21 days and when it will automatically deleted.

Please download the App for your phone via the App Store or Google Play

For help downloading and using the NHS COVID-19 app

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